152 research outputs found

    Proyecto de un UAV de autonomía infinita

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    El objetivo es diseñar un UAV (unmanned air vehicle) que, alimentado mediante células fotovoltaicas, sea capaz de volar 24 horas 7 días a la seman

    Análisis sobre la Gamificación para el trabajo en Soft Skills en la educación primaria: un caso práctico

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    [ES] Internet y los videojuegos se han convertido en una parte del día a día de los niños, influyendo en su educación. Todos los dispositivos móviles, ordenadores y videoconsolas pueden convertirse en una herramienta de aprendizaje para los alumnos de educación primaria y secundaria; sin embargo, los Serious games no están completamente introducidos en los colegios, por lo que aún hay muchas posibilidades de explotar su potencial. La primera parte del estudio se basa en buscar aquellos objetivos de aprendizaje que se quiere reforzar mediante el uso del videojuego de acuerdo al Marco Europeo de Habilidades Digital [9] y cómo adaptarlo para la mayoría de los casos de discapacidades motoras y visuales. La segunda parte consiste en entrevistas al personal docente y a las profesoras de educación especial del Colegio La Purísima Hnas. Franciscanas, colegio que se ha ofrecido como piloto para esta experiencia, para determinar qué objetivos curriculares, competencias transversales y requisitos de adaptación curricular están interesados en implementar dentro del videojuego. Y la parte final se basa en el desarrollo de un prototipo del videojuego en base a los requisitos formulados por nuestro potencial usuario, el colegio mencionado. Dicho prototipo se probará en un contexto real, con alumnado del colegio, integrando en la muestra también a estudiantes con necesidades especiales y a todos ellos se les hará un seguimiento mediante encuestas para determinar si el experimento ha sido efectivo.[EN] Internet and video games have become a part of children’s day to day, influencing their education. All mobile devices, computers and game consoles can become a learning tool for elementary and secondary school students, however, Serious games are not fully introduced in schools, so there are still many possibilities to exploit their potential. The first part of the study is based on looking for those learning objectives that we want to reinforce by using the videogame according to the European Digital Competence Framework[9] and how to adapt it for most cases of motor and visual disabilities. The second part consists of interviews with teachers and special education teachers of La Purísima Hnas. Franciscanas school, a school that has offered itself as a pilot for this experience, to determine what curricular objectives, transversal competencies and curricular adaptation requirements are interested in implementing within the videogame. And the final part is based on the development of a video game prototype based on the requirements formulated by our potential user, the mentioned school. This prototype will be tested in a real context, with students from the school, also integrating students with special needs in the sample and all of them will be monitored through surveys to determine if the experiment has been effective.[CA] Internet i els videojocs s’han convertit en una part del dia a dia dels xiquets, influint en la seua educació. Tots els dispositius mòbils, ordinadors i videoconsoles poden convertirse en una ferramenta d’aprenentatge per als alumnes d’educació primària i secundària, no obstant això, els Serious games no estan completament introduïts en els col·legis, per la qual cosa encara hi ha moltes possibilitats d’explotar el seu potencial. La primera part de l’estudi es basa a buscar aquells objectius d’aprenentatge que es vol reforçar per mitjà de l’ús del videojoc d’acord al Marc Europeu d’Habilitats Digital[9] i com adaptar-ho per a la majoria dels casos de discapacitats motores i visuals. La segona part consistix en entrevistes al personal docent i a les professores d’educació especial del Col·legi La Purísima Hnas. Franciscanas, col·legi que s’ha oferit com pilot per a esta experiència, per a determinar que objectius curriculars, competències transversals i requisits d’adaptació curricular estan interessats a implementar dins del videojoc. I la part final es basa en el desenrotllament d’un prototip del videojoc basant-se en els requisits formulats pel nostre potencial usuari, el col·legi mencionat. El dit prototip es provarà en un context real, amb alumnat del col·legi, integrant en la mostra també a estudiants amb necessitats especials i se’ls farà a tots ells un seguiment per mitjà d’enquestes per a determinar si l’experiment ha sigut efectiu.Diago Sans, M. (2019). Análisis sobre la Gamificación para el trabajo en Soft Skills en la educación primaria: un caso práctico. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/134009TFG

    Un Simulador Web para aprender las preferencias y necesidades del humano en sistemas human-in-the-loop

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    [ES] Los sistemas autónomos pueden reducir de forma importante la carga de trabajo de los humanos. Sin embargo, no todos los sistemas pueden realizar todas las tareas de forma completamente autónoma, por lo que en muchas ocasiones es necesario que el humano ayude a completar su funcionalidad ( human-in-the-loop ). A los sistemas con participación del humano los llamamos sistemas HiL. Cuando se diseñan sistemas HiL un aspecto clave es realizar un diseño adecuado de cómo se va a realizar el trabajo colaborativo entre humano y sistema. Esto significa fundamentalmente especificar cual va ser el trabajo que debe realizar el humano, cual va a ser el trabajo que va a realizar el sistema, cual es el flujo de control entre las actividades que realizan cada uno, y qué interacciones se van a llevar a cabo para establecer la comunicación entre ambos. Esta tarea no es sencilla y requiere conocer las necesidades y preferencias de los usuarios. Esto es especialmente importante en los sistemas HiL para conseguir una colaboración entre el sistema y el usuario capaz de involucrar al humano de forma adecuada ante situaciones donde no es posible alcanzar la autonomía, procurando garantizar una correcta integración humano-sistema. Imaginemos un robot que transporta mercancías en un almacén. Este robot tiene que realizar algunas tareas, como la carga y descarga, en colaboración con el humano. Si la forma de cooperación para la carga y descarga no se adecúa a la forma de trabajar del humano (por ejemplo, el robot le pide realizar una carga al humano cuando este está ocupado) o no consigue comunicarse de forma eficiente con él (por ejemplo, el humano no sabe si el robot está o no preparado para cargar), el humano puede cometer errores durante la carga o descarga, o incluso no aceptar el robot como colaborador de trabajo. Establecer estas necesidades y preferencias no siempre es posible cuando se aborda el diseño de sistemas HiL, lo que origina sistemas que no consiguen una adecuada participación del humano y conducen a una mala experiencia de usuario. El presente TFM propone la construcción de un simulador de soluciones HiL para que los usuarios puedan probar las soluciones antes de ser implementadas, se recoja el feedback de estos usuarios y se analice de forma automática para mejorar los diseños. El simulador propuesto es un simulador genérico que se configurará de forma fácil para cada solución HiL concreta. Este simulador se desarrollará como una aplicación web, de forma que pueda ser probado por un gran número de usuarios. El feedback de estos usuarios se almacenará en la nube y posteriormente se analizará a través de herramientas de análisis automáticas. Estas herramientas procesarán los datos y proporcionarán informes que ayuden a identificar las necesidades y preferencias de los usuarios y a partir de ellas mejorar los diseños. Los nuevos diseños conllevarán la modificación del simulador, y la vuelta al ciclo de prueba.[EN] Autonomous systems can significantly reduce the workload of humans. However, not all systems can perform all tasks completely autonomously, so in many cases it is necessary for humans to help complete their functionality (`human-in-the-loop¿). We call systems with human participation HiL systems. When designing HiL systems, a key aspect is to make an adequate design of how the collaborative work between human and system is going to be carried out. This fundamentally means specifying what work the human must do, what work the system is going to do, what is the control flow between the activities that each one performs, and what interactions are going to be carried out. out to establish communication between the two. This task is not easy and requires knowing the needs and preferences of users. This is especially important in HiL systems to achieve a collaboration between the system and the user capable of involving the human in an adequate way in situations where autonomy is not possible, trying to guarantee a correct human-system integration. Let's imagine a robot that transports goods in a warehouse. This robot has to perform some tasks, such as loading and unloading, in collaboration with the human. If the form of cooperation for loading and unloading does not suit the way of working of the human (for example, the robot asks the human to carry out a load when he is busy) or does not manage to communicate efficiently with him (for example , the human does not know whether or not the robot is ready to load), the human may make mistakes during loading or unloading, or even not accept the robot as a work partner. Establishing these needs and preferences is not always possible when approaching HiL system design, leading to systems that do not get adequate human participation and lead to poor user experience. This TFM proposes the construction of a HiL solutions simulator so that users can test the solutions before being implemented, collect feedback from these users and automatically analyze it to improve designs. The proposed simulator is a generic simulator that will be easily configured for each specific HiL solution. This simulator will be developed as a web application, so that it can be tested by a large number of users. The feedback from these users will be stored in the cloud and subsequently analyzed through automatic analysis tools. These tools will process the data and provide reports that help identify the needs and preferences of users and, based on them, improve the designs. The new designs will entail modifying the simulator, and a return to the test cycle.Diago Sans, M. (2020). Un Simulador Web para aprender las preferencias y necesidades del humano en sistemas human-in-the-loop. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/151486TFG

    Disseny d'un sistema integral d'autoprotecció d'una activitat industrial de risc

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    Una activitat industrial sempre implica uns certs riscs per les persones, els béns i el medi ambient. La reglamentació vigent en matèria de riscs industrials és una eina per controlar-ho. L’activitat industrial que tracta el present projecte és una activitat de logística de productes farmacèutics amb emmagatzematge en alçada, altres emmagatzematges, zones de manipulació i expedicions, oficines i serveis. És per tant un escenari òptim per al disseny i aplicació de mesures de protecció contra incendis i d’altres riscs associats. L’elevada densitat de càrrega de foc (poder calorífic per unitat de superfície) dels productes emmagatzemats en alçada permet l’aplicació dels requisits legals, realitzar el disseny bàsic de les instal·lacions i les condicions de protecció contra incendi per a un risc d’incendi elevat que s’ha quantificat i valorat. El projecte tracta de donar una solució global i integrada en tots els àmbits de la protecció contra incendis, també es soluciona el possible risc de vessament. La descripció general de l’establiment permet l’aplicació del Reglament de Seguretat contra Incendis en Establiments Industrials i del Codi Tècnic de l’Edificació que donen els requisits mínims de seguretat en cas d’incendi que s’han de complir a nivell d’instal·lacions, protecció de l’estructura i evacuació d’ocupants entre d’altres. L’aplicació d’aquests reglaments és la base per al disseny bàsic de les instal·lacions de protecció contra incendis com el sistema de ruixadors automàtics, boques d’incendi equipades, sistema de detecció i alarma, abastament d’aigua per els sistemes de protecció contra incendi que ho requereixen etc. El disseny del sistema de ruixadors i l’abastament d’aigua s’han tractat específicament. Totes les instal·lacions es dissenyen amb els criteris de la normativa més reconeguda a nivell europeu i complint alhora les disposicions legals. Els riscs associats com els vessaments de productes químics o el possible risc d’explosió s’han avaluat adientment. S’ha realitzat un pla d’emergència per integrar tots els elements presents en un disseny integral d’autoprotecció i que ajuda a tenir controlat el factor humà en el tractament de l’emergència. Es dóna la base per establir les relacions amb les autoritats públiques en matèria de seguretat. S’adjunta un pressupost i els terminis de la implantació dels sistemes específics de protecció contra incendis que requereixen abastament d’aigua i els extintors portàtils

    Real-Time Non-Intrusive Assessment of Viewing Distance During Computer Use

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    Purpose: To develop and test the sensitivity of an ultrasound-based sensor to assess the viewing distance of visual display terminals operators in real-time conditions. Methods: A modified ultrasound sensor was attached to a computer display to assess viewing distance in real time. Sensor functionality was tested on a sample of 20 healthy participants while they conducted four 10-minute randomly presented typical computer tasks (a match-three puzzle game, a video documentary, a task requiring participants to complete a series of sentences, and a predefined internet search). Results: The ultrasound sensor offered good measurement repeatability. Game, text completion, and web search tasks were conducted at shorter viewing distances (54.4 cm [95% CI 51.3-57.5 cm], 54.5 cm [95% CI 51.1-58.0 cm], and 54.5 cm [95% CI 51.4-57.7 cm], respectively) than the video task (62.3 cm [95% CI 58.9-65.7 cm]). Statistically significant differences were found between the video task and the other three tasks (all p < 0.05). Range of viewing distances (from 22 to 27 cm) was similar for all tasks (F = 0.996; p = 0.413). Conclusions: Real-time assessment of the viewing distance of computer users with a non-intrusive ultrasonic device disclosed a task-dependent pattern. (C) 2016 American Academy of OptometryPostprint (author's final draft

    Topical review: optometric considerations in sports vs. e-sports

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    Electronic sports (e-sports) have recently emerged to become a rapidly growing form of videogame competition, requiring gamers to spend many hours in front of a visual display. The nature of this new modality raises important considerations for ocular health, and visual and perceptual functioning, compared to traditional sports. In general, sports performance has been associated with open spaces, gross motor movement, and balance, while electronic sports require visual and attentional stamina at near distances with fine motor control. From an optometric viewpoint, visual perception is specific to both the sports modality and the environment where sports take place. In this topical review, we consider e-sport optometric factors such as screen time and digital eyestrain, visual skill demands, and perceptual cognitive skills such as visual attention. We compare training considerations for traditional sports and training in gaming platforms, with recommendations for future research in this growing modality. The goal of this review is to raise awareness of the various elements to consider when providing vision care to e-sport participants.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Loss of blink regularity and its impact on ocular surface exposure

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    Background: Changes in blink parameters have been found to influence ocular surface exposure, eliciting symptoms of dry eye and ocular signs. The aim of the study was to highlight the relevance of including blink regularity as a new parameter to fully characterize blinking; (2) Methods: A novel characterization of blink parameters is described, including spontaneous eyeblink rate (SEBR), percentage of incomplete blinks, and blink regularity. A pilot study was designed in which tear film break-up time (TFBUT), blink parameters, and the time percentage of ocular surface exposure were determined in eight subjects (52.0 ± 16.6 years, 4 females) in three experimental conditions (baseline, reading a hard-copy text, and reading from an electronic display). Blink parameters were monitored through asynchronous image analysis of one minute video segments; (3) Results: All blink parameters were influenced by experimental conditions. A trend was observed in which both reading tasks resulted in an increase in ocular surface exposure, mainly related to a combination of reduced SEBR, increased percentage of incomplete blinks, and loss of blink regularity; (4) Conclusions: A complete characterization of blink parameters is relevant to better understand ocular dryness related to surface exposure and to advice patients towards a reeducation of their blinking habits.This research was supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (project number PID2020-114582RB-I00)Postprint (published version

    Hydroxyapatite-based biphasic catalysts with plasticity properties and its potential in carbon dioxide fixation

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    The design of catalysts with controlled selectivity at will, also known as catalytic plasticity, is a very attractive approach for the recycling of carbon dioxide (CO2). In this work, we study how catalytically active hydroxyapatite (HAp) and brushite (Bru) interact synergistically, allowing the production of formic acid or acetic acid depending on the HAp/Bru ratio in the catalyst. Raman, wide angle X-ray scattering, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies, combined with an exhaustive revision of the crystalline structure of the catalyst at the atomic level, allowed to discern how the Bru phase can be generated and stabilized at high temperatures. Results clearly indicate that the presence of OH– groups to maintain the crystalline structural integrity in conjunction with Ca2+ ions less bonded to the lattice fixate carbon into C1, C2 and C3 molecules from CO2 and allow the evolution from formic to acetic acid and acetone. In this way, the plasticity of the HAp-Bru system is demonstrated, representing a promising green alternative to the conventional metal-based electrocatalysts used for CO2 fixation. Thus, the fact that no electric voltage is necessary for the CO2 reduction has a very favorable impact in the final energetic net balance of the carbon fixation reaction. © 202

    Spectral radiance of blue light filters on ophthalmic lenses

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    As a result of the recent improvement in light-emitting diode (LED) technology, the displays of the vast majority of electronic devices are now illuminated by LEDs. There are several advantages of this type of light source over its predecessors; however, recent research is giving support to the fact that prolonged exposition to the white LEDs emission in the blue spectrum may have a negative impact on visual health, as well as, on biological rhythms (circadian rhythms). As a consequence, ophthalmic lens manufacturers have recently introduced in the market innovative lenses that incorporate blue light filters, especially designed for electronic device users. In this work, the performance of different blue light filters present on commercially available ophthalmic lenses was tested and compared. Lenses were placed in front of a LED-based backlight tablet, in a similar way a common user would be reading a text on the electronic device. The absorption characteristics of the various samples from four different ophthalmic lens manufacturers were measured. Analysis of the different samples from the same manufacturer was conducted and blue light filters from different manufacturers were compared. © Sociedad Española de Óptica.Postprint (published version

    Functional connectivity of brain networks with three monochromatic wavelengths: a pilot study using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging

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    Exposure to certain monochromatic wavelengths can affect non-visual brain regions. Growing research indicates that exposure to light can have a positive impact on health-related problems such as spring asthenia, circadian rhythm disruption, and even bipolar disorders and Alzheimer’s. However, the extent and location of changes in brain areas caused by exposure to monochromatic light remain largely unknown. This pilot study (N = 7) using resting-state functional magnetic resonance shows light-dependent functional connectivity patterns on brain networks. We demonstrated that 1 min of blue, green, or red light exposure modifies the functional connectivity (FC) of a broad range of visual and non-visual brain regions. Largely, we observed: (i) a global decrease in FC in all the networks but the salience network after blue light exposure, (ii) a global increase in FC after green light exposure, particularly noticeable in the left hemisphere, and (iii) a decrease in FC on attentional networks coupled with a FC increase in the default mode network after red light exposure. Each one of the FC patterns appears to be best arranged to perform better on tasks associated with specific cognitive domains. Results can be relevant for future research on the impact of light stimulation on brain function and in a variety of health disciplines.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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